i've always had a passion for art, music and technology. As the son of an art teacher and musician, I was surrounded by creativity. Growing up, I also discovered an enthusiasm for technology through the love of video games and the disassembling/reassembling of various household tech (though I'm not sure my mom's VCR was ever quite the same). High school further encouraged and developed my interests with my IB Art teacher directing my attention to graphic design after noticing my penchant for drawing letterforms in my work books. Science, technology and music followed suit — I read all of the astrophysics books I could get my hands on, sang in multiple choirs, and performed in a slew of musicals and plays ( Les Miserables and Aida being standout shows for you theater geeks ).
Immediately upon my arrival at Colorado State University, I knew I wanted to major in graphic design. In 2009, I graduated with a Bachelor's in Fine Art - Graphic Design and a minor in Vocal Performance from the CSU Music program. Soon after graduation, I transitioned into my first design job at the High Plains Library District. I had the pleasure of working with an incredible staff and the opportunity to work on more technical design challenges at HPLD helped instill the importance of design thinking early in my career. In 2011, I had the opportunity to manage and co-own a business that was originally called Studio Time. Studio Time quickly grew into two separate arms: The Downtown Artery, a music studio, event and creative co-working space and PHOCO, a graphic design, video and photography firm. Over the course of two years, I co-founded a creative agency, built a strong creative team, and with the help of many incredible people, laid the foundation for one of the most arts-supportive spaces in Fort Collins.
In addition to my full-time design work, I also co-own Sheath Comics. Sheath writes, draws, produces and publishes a variety of comic books. Our main title, Sheath, is in the middle of the production of it's seventh issue. You can check it out here.
Currently, I am the Senior Designer at Toolbox Creative. Toolbox's unique and agile approach to providing solutions to businesses in the science, technology and housing industries has calcified my vision for design. From working with burgeoning battery technologies, 3D printers, agtech and cable industries to providing solutions that make a difference in the community, I believe design has the power to change the world — one kerned letter-space at a time.